Kuukausiarkisto toukokuu, 2013

* Äidin tiipii

Kirjoitettu 12.05.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Sarjakuvat.


* Kiitos Paavi!

Kirjoitettu 6.05.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

(Sorry this strip has a pun that only works in finnish.)
When I’m making my web page, the meny bar won’t stay in the middle of the page.
You’r web page might have…
…concentration disorder.

H-P come and hear what you got for your english assignments.
5, 5, 5, 5-, full points in everything.
Thank you pope! – No actually thank you Raakel, she helped me.

This strip is a thank you for Raakel who made sure my assignments were correct every time.
Without RAakel I wouldn’t have gotten full points in english.
Raakel is a master.

Is that supposed to be men’s or women’s bathroom?
Who cares.
It looks like it was men’s.

Bund is always fucking with everyone. – Yeah he is.
It’s so stupid, when a man is fucking with many women, he’s a cool player.
But when a woman is fucking with many women, she’s a lesbian.

Tämän vikan läpän muuten luin tumblrista, tässä linkki tuohon vitsiin tumpussa: LINKKI
Based on a joke in tumblr, link abowe.


* Ruotsi ruotsi ruotsi!!!

Kirjoitettu 1.05.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

We’re going to Sweden.
To Sweden.

I speak swedish. – Vastaan englanniksi
Swedish swedish. – Englantia
God damn isn’t my swedish good enough for them?

HAHA! Tanja spilled coffee.
Red wine on my jacket.

Ps. Sain pestyä punaviinin pois kotona. Ei hätää.

Comic store!
Manga in swedish.
Another comic store!
Donald Duck in swedish.

Oikeesti siis olisin halunnu ostaa ruotsalaisten tekemiä ruotsalaisia sarjakuvia… Jos joku tietää missä sellasia myydään ruotsissa, kertokaa mulle!

That’s a pretty painting, let’s go see it.
I made it myself. – With what? – With a thin brush.
Okay well we’ll maybe ccome back. Bye.
Jesus he was lying. That was a printed piece with marker scribbles on top.

Program: French week, french cancac, music, old people dance, DJ
So beautiful I want to cry!


H-P Muualla netissä:

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