Kuukausiarkisto maaliskuu, 2014

* Kissablogi

Kirjoitettu 31.03.2014 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

Rovaniemellä oli Lauran lisäksi kaksi kissaa.

Nuolee lattiaa

Now that you’re in Rovaniemi, you must make a lot of comics about my cat Tiffi.
Okay let’s look at her untill she does something amazing.
So she decided to lick the floor.

räkänen kissa

Oh, Tiffi, you want to smell this?
Snif snif.
So you sneezed there then.


That orange one is Tiffi and the grey one is Jasper.
If these two were people…
Tiffi – Anarchy!
Jasper – Hmph.


* Rovaniemen reissu osa yksi

Kirjoitettu 27.03.2014 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

Tässä osa 1 matkastani Rovaniemelle tapaamaan Lauraa.

oon iha pähkinöinä

Why does this happen in every damn transport device?
Someone wants to eat peanuts.
And I’m so allergic to it that I can’t even breathe the scent without having hard time breathing.
And when I’m in an airplane, I can’t go out to breathe.

I’m going to listen to a design lecture. (Self service coat rack)
Hmm, my jacket has cat hair, I’ll pick them off.
(Self service coat rack)
Here’s my jacket. – I’m… not working here.

saami homo
Arctic pride. – Yay!
Loilaaleeloilaa… – What is this?
Loilaalee loilaa sami gay loilaa.
The crowd loved the lapland chanting! – Hooray, Yay!

Osa kaksi tulee nettiin kunhan kotiudun Tampere Kupliista.


* Facebookin parhaat palat

Kirjoitettu 22.03.2014 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

siis oon nii bitchi
Let’s see what facebook says.
I’m a difficult person who shouts and fucks with everyone. I’m a real bitch, I’m hard to get along with and I’m PROUD OF IT!
Was this a reason to be proud of?
Why would anyone want to be proud of being mean to others?
Wouldn’t this be better subject to be proud of:
If you fuck with me I’ll bite my tongue and clearly tell the other person their behaviour was offending and then I leave the plase calmly.
If you can be calm in a problematic situation, that’s a subject you can be proud of!
Ofcourse it’s sometimes okay to be angry, annoyed or dissappointed.
But do you need to be proud of it?
Anger is a feeling among other feelings, but in the long run, it’s harmfull to everuone…
So why do people think it’s great?
I myself appreciate people who can be calm and polite even in problematic situations…
Kindness is a right subject to be proud of… Not being asshole.
And did you know, everyone would be easier off if everyone would be a little bit nicer to eachother…




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