Kuukausiarkisto marraskuu, 2014

* Älä ole surullinen, Naruto.

Kirjoitettu 6.11.2014 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.

(Black dreature at the background, Hugo in the front.) Black creature: ”I feel depressed.”
(Hugo hugging black creature.) Hugo: ”Don’t be sad, be Naruto!”
(Same as previous panel.) Hugo: Would you be my Naruto if I was your Kakashi?”
(Black creature turned into Naruto, Hugo turned into Kakashi. Kakashi trying to hug Naruto.) Naruto: ”Sick.”

(Hanna-Pirita grooming Hugo’s hair.) H-P: ”Hugo your hair has split ends. We should cut it.”
(Hugo putting his hair on a bun.) Hugo: ”Not today!” H-P: ”We have to cut it.”
H-P: When are we going to cut it.”
(Hugo in the front, back an imaginery picture of Hugo walking in boxers and his hair is so long it goes out of the panel and his split ends come in saying hi.) Hugo: ”When my split ends meet me in the kitchen when I wake up and ask me if I made coffee.” Split ends: ”Hi!”

H-P: ”Yeah it is!” Hugo: ”Yeah!”
(Hugo offering a brofist to H-P.) Hugo: ”Brofist”
(H-P kissing Hugo’s fist.) H-P ”Kiss.”

(H-P and Hugo in a bed.) Hugo: ”Good night.”
(Dark panel, only eyes can be seen.) Hugo: ”Hey what’s that rolling in my feet?”
(Dark panel, two pairs of eyes.) Hugo: ”Oh, it was just you.”


H-P Muualla netissä:

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