Kuukausiarkisto maaliskuu, 2015

* Naruto!

Kirjoitettu 26.03.2015 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Sarjakuvat, Translated comics.

Tein tämän sarjakuvan itseasiassa Gaijin-antologiaamme, mutta sitten se ei mahtunutkaan itse lehteen, joten ottakaapa tästä sarjakuvaa suhteestani Narutoon!

Title: NARUTO, go through rocks with determination!
Younger H-P watching anime with eyes really wide open. ”In year 2004 I started watching Naruto.” H-P: ”This is the best thing I have ever seen.”
Happy Naruto (young ninja boy in orange clothing) being supportive on the screen H-P is watching. ”No entertainment had made me feel the same before.” Naruto: ”I can do anything if I train hard!”
Naruto and H-P next to each other. ”I felt that with determination I could be anything too.” Naruto: ”I’ll become Hokage.” H-P: ”I’ll become a comic artist.”
H-P reading the manga book of Naruto. ”I moved from watching the anime into reading the manga.” H-P: ”So beautiful backgrounds!”
H-P drawing a comic page. ”I started imitating Naruto in my own comics.” H-P: ”If I just draw these electric lines.”


Naruto holding a pile of H-P’s comic pages as H-P draws more comics. ”With inspiration from Naruto, I started training drawing like I would have been in ninja school.” H-P: ”At least five pages every day!”
Picture of really badly drawn stick figure Naruto and a picture of really hot and handsome Naruto without a shirt. ”And training was worth it.” H-P: ”Such a big change in a year!”
H-P being excited. ”And now that Naruto manga is over…” H-P: ”SPOILER: Naruto became a Hokage.”
Just H-P staring at the reader. H-P: ”And me…”
H-P from current time holding two comics in her hands. H-P: ”I became a comic artist.” H-P: ”Thanks to Naruto.”

Toi toinen noista sarjiksista tossa mun käsissä on muuten mun nettisarjis Silly Ghost. Tässä linkki että voitte lukea sitä: LINKKI HUPSUUN HAAMUUN!!

Jos joku haluaa reblogata tämän sarjiksen tumblrissa, myös se on mahdollista Tämän Linkin Takaa.


H-P Muualla netissä:

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