Kategoria-arkisto ‘Translated comics’
* Ei nimi miestä pahenna, eli Animecon 2013 päivitys!
Kirjoitettu 4.08.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
We’ll be staying with you guys. – Welcome.
Have food!
The whole convention went with me being full!
Soon I’ll be holding my presentation, I’m so nervous.
I hope there’s not much people listening.
Sorry the room is full, no more people. – Help!
remember when you put in your blog that you maybe have like five followers. – Yeah, I haven’t seen the comments on that.
Well there’s comments from over 50 people.
Our table neighbour is someone called Mememan. – If someone’s name is Mememan, they have to be a dork.
Hi. – HI! Let’s discuss! – Mememan himself.
Mememan was so much fun! I’m his fan now!
Eipä olisi taaskaan saanut nimen perusteella tuomita. Niin sitä opin itsekkin uutta koko ajan. Aina vähän väliä sitä unohtaa olla hyvä ihminen ja tuomitsee muita liikaa, mutta onneksi osoittautui tuomioni vääräksi. Mememies oli todella mukava tyyppi, menkää vaikka tykkäämään siitä facebookissa.
* Pasifisti Anarkisti Astmaatikko ja bi-seksuaali
Kirjoitettu 13.06.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Ilmoitusluontoista asiaa, Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
HURRY! We need to catch the bus to Espoo!
Quickly to Kamppi, the bus is leaving!
Well, at least we were on time. – The bus to Espoo leaves in HALF AN HOUR.
You can draw an eye like this.
Or like this.
When you’re making comics, you don’t have to draw perfectly.
Though that looks a bit like a boob.
Let’s go eating together so we can talk.
Kids these days and their smartphones.
Excuse me but you can’t smoke here.
YES BUT I’m an asthmatic anarkist pacifist bi-sexual, but I don’t do lesbianity……
Smoothie – Bus 68
You can’t bring drinks here. – Ok.
Tämä onkin nyt viimeinen päivitys ennen Desucon-päivitystäni. Menen taas Desucon tapahtumaan Lahteen ja haastan itseni tekemään Hourly comicia koko tapahtuman ajan. Tapahtuma alkaa perjantaina ja loppuu sunnuntaina ja aion siis piirtää sarjakuvaa jokaiselta tunnilta tapahtuman ajalta. Yritän päivittää sarjakuvani mahdollisimman pian tapahtuman jälkeen, maanantaina tai tiistaina siis.
Desuconissa olen muuten sunnuntaina taidekujalla myymässä sarjiksia yms kivaa taidetta joten jos tulet Desuun, tule tapaamaan minua taidekujalle sunnuntaina.
* Yhtäkkiä selvinpäin?
Kirjoitettu 4.06.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
I’ll make a comic of you in my blog. – No you don’t
Give me a smoke.
Give me a beer. – Okay, these things happen.
What had happened to him? He was suddenly sober?
Hi I’ll come talk to you, are you working here?
I have my own business, I sell drugs.
It was nice talking, I’ll go work now.
I like Sherlock, I’ll go to a Sherlock-meet up.
I’m not a real fan because I don’t understand anything they’re talking.
* Kiitos Paavi!
Kirjoitettu 6.05.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
(Sorry this strip has a pun that only works in finnish.)
When I’m making my web page, the meny bar won’t stay in the middle of the page.
You’r web page might have…
…concentration disorder.
H-P come and hear what you got for your english assignments.
5, 5, 5, 5-, full points in everything.
Thank you pope! – No actually thank you Raakel, she helped me.
This strip is a thank you for Raakel who made sure my assignments were correct every time.
Without RAakel I wouldn’t have gotten full points in english.
Raakel is a master.
Is that supposed to be men’s or women’s bathroom?
Who cares.
It looks like it was men’s.
Bund is always fucking with everyone. – Yeah he is.
It’s so stupid, when a man is fucking with many women, he’s a cool player.
But when a woman is fucking with many women, she’s a lesbian.
Tämän vikan läpän muuten luin tumblrista, tässä linkki tuohon vitsiin tumpussa: LINKKI
Based on a joke in tumblr, link abowe.
* Ruotsi ruotsi ruotsi!!!
Kirjoitettu 1.05.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
We’re going to Sweden.
To Sweden.
I speak swedish. – Vastaan englanniksi
Swedish swedish. – Englantia
God damn isn’t my swedish good enough for them?
HAHA! Tanja spilled coffee.
Red wine on my jacket.
Ps. Sain pestyä punaviinin pois kotona. Ei hätää.
Comic store!
Manga in swedish.
Another comic store!
Donald Duck in swedish.
Oikeesti siis olisin halunnu ostaa ruotsalaisten tekemiä ruotsalaisia sarjakuvia… Jos joku tietää missä sellasia myydään ruotsissa, kertokaa mulle!
That’s a pretty painting, let’s go see it.
I made it myself. – With what? – With a thin brush.
Okay well we’ll maybe ccome back. Bye.
Jesus he was lying. That was a printed piece with marker scribbles on top.
Program: French week, french cancac, music, old people dance, DJ
So beautiful I want to cry!
* Kings of the Streets
Kirjoitettu 20.04.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
I’m waiting for my russian internet friend. – Hmm, what did she say, she had a black coat and a hat.
How am I supposed to tell her apart from all the finns?
Hello I’m Sasa.
Do you want some booze?
What a russian stereotype, she’s even got booze with her.
Tässä maalauksessa on Imatrankoski.
I was forced to move away from Imatrankoski as a child.
It’s the russian’s fault, they’re horrible! They made us move! Blah blah!
Street dance! I’m so excited!
White shirt wasn’t the best idea when dancing in public spaces.
Toi dance crew oli sellanen ku Street Kings, niistä voi tykätä Facebookissa helposti täältä: LINKKI
* Kevät tulee tosiaan
Kirjoitettu 11.04.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
You don’t cut cheese like that! – Yes you do!
Yest you do! Believe me!
You just shook me so hard blood squirted from my vagina.
Menstruating. <3
If I have secrets…
I tell them to Suspu.
They wont tell them to anyone.
Because they don’t have any friends to tell. – I have internet!
What is this trend in facebook?
All my cousins have pictures of tractors as profile pictures?
Oh, but they still live in the countryside… – Real hillbillies.
Movie theatre. – I’m already scared.
I’m glad you screamed louder than me, so no-one knows I screamed too.
It was such a scary movie that I’ll go to an art exhibition to relax. – Ok, bye.
Now I fell sick….
What is that, a smoke alarm?
Oh yeah, it’s not winter anymore, spring is coming, it was a bird singing.
Näyttely jossa kävin oli Marjatta Tapiolan näyttely Helsingin taidemuseossa Tennispalatsissa.
* Keltaista mehiläisten vahaa
Kirjoitettu 7.04.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics.
Buy this Gaijin-magazine.
Hugo tell why it’s a good buy.
Well… It’s yellow…
Going to easter church.
Bars in church door.
Well I’ve heard stories that you need these in Koivukylä.
Burning beeswaxcandles. – And he died for us.
Beeswaxcandles are made of beexwax.
Allergic reaction!
In train. – What a group of teen girls.
Ginga! – There was blood coming from the dog’s mouth! – Yeah I saw that too!
these teens are talking about anime!
* Vihree kynä tarkottaa et on ekologinen.
Kirjoitettu 25.03.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Propagandaa, Translated comics.
I’m going to social wellfare centre tomorrow.
When I was there someone stole my phone once!
What could happen, it’s in Korso!
Okay so what do you want?
Well well, someone broke the glass of the door.
I’ll let you out from the back door, it should be safe.
Chembio faire. – Firm – Corporation – Business
Take candy. – Well maybe one…
Yum yum!
Yeah I’m really interested, what was this again?
Yeah I think so too, HEY are these free pens?
What a good loot. – 1 lipbalm, x amount of candy, 1 badge, 1 can of cola, 1 bag of m&m’s, 1 bag, 17 pens, 1 stresstoy, 3 screen cleaning rags, 2 tincans of breathmints.
I’m admiring my new pens. – Oh!
This is the most beautiful!
Why does Neste Oil have the most pretty pen when the firm is so unethical and they use palm oil in their bio diesel and by that they destroy food farming and rainforests! Unfair!
Jos haluutte lukea juttua Neste Oilista, lukekaa vaikkapa tämä juttu.
* Body Worlds
Kirjoitettu 20.03.2013 - hannapirita. Kategoriassa Kuvapäivis, Translated comics, Vierailevia tähtiä.
Beautiful women in sauna.
I have this kind of leg hair. – Wow I have this.
We’re watching Robin movie.
I’m scateboarding with his big sister. – Who’se big sister is that and how old is she?
That’s true! Maybe it means I have a chanse too even though I’m this old!
Body worlds exhibition in Heureka. – I see.
Well well.
Peeled penis!
We come all the way to see this wonderful exhibition about humanity and all you’re interested in is a penis. – Yeah!
Ofcourse I’m interested in a penis! I have never had one! It’s such a weird and peculiar thing!
Think about it, there it hangs away from the rest of the body. Why is it not on the way when walking? Why doesn’t it get caught somewhere and drop!? Wonderful penis! Man is an amazing creature!
This is a good song.
It’s not Linkin Park. – I know other music too!
Vikan stripin on piirtänyt Suspu.
H-P Muualla netissä:
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